Get source code

From KolibriOS wiki
Revision as of 23:49, 17 January 2025 by Shawty (talk | contribs) (→‎Git)
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The KolibriOS developer team makes use of a central Git source code repository.
Not only the KolibriOS kernel and its drivers, but also almost all known open-source program and library can be found on this system.

The repository is located

There are also read-only repository mirrors (only for checkout, no commits) for git:,

Installing Git


  • Ubuntu
apt-get install git
  • Archlinux
pacman -S git

Mac OS

  • Mountain Lion
Install the Command Line Tools for Xcode from Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads.
Or download it directly from
  • Previous versions
Comes installed.


Get code

  • In a terminal go to where you want to put the source code of Kolibri.
  • Now run the following and wait:
git clone

Git mirrors

As mentioned above, is a read-only mirror of Git repository. You cannot commit to this repo, it is just a mirror of the official Git. Please get oficial Git write access if you wish to make contributions!