CHIP8 - Chip-8 systems emulator, written specially for KolibriOS in pure FASM from scratch.
Author: rgimad (
Open shell in current directory (in Eolite Ctrl+G).
Type for example:
chip8 roms/ibm.ch8
CHIP8 emulator can process 16 keys, they are: 0-9, a, b, c, d, e, f
Emulator goes with some ROMs: games, demos, programs, etc. Some of them you can see below:
TETRIS (roms/tetris1.ch8)
How to play: 4 key is left rotate 5 - left move 6 - right move 1 - drop
After every 5 lines, the speed increases slightly and peaks at 45 lines.
SPACE INVADERS (roms/indavers1.ch8)
Very famous game
MAZE (roms/maze_alt.ch8)
A random maze generator
RND (roms/rnd.ch8)
Generates and prints out a random number. Press any key to generate one more.
IBM (roms/ibm.ch8)
Prints out the IBM logo
CHIP8 (roms/chip8.ch8)
Prints out the CHIP8 logo
More ROMs you can find here: