Writing drivers for KolibriOS
WARNING: This article is deprecated and in need of an update/rewrite. Latest kernels use PE format instead of MS COFF.
Driver development for KolibriOS
Warning 1. Before writing a driver for KolibriOS think if you can gain your aims by application programming interfaces (API), in particular - hardware interface functions 41-46 and 62. There are several reasons to prefer an application to a driver. First of all, a bug in an application can hang this application only, and the operating system will continue working. But a bug in a driver can cause the entire system to crash. Though drivers are very critical for system stability it's difficult to debug them. Developing an application you can hunt for bugs using mtdbg, which is quite an advanced debugger; but you can't use it to debug a driver. Sometimes the embedded Bochs debugger would do, but, of course, it is useless if you work with real hardware. You can only send messages to the KolibriOS debug message board, which has many disadvantages.
Warning 2. It's clear that every driver depends on the kernel architecture very much. But KolibriOS kernel is modified several times a week. Of course, most of changes don't make sense to the driver subsystem, but sometimes important system functions exported to drivers are changed or destroyed, or new functions are created. So if you compile the code included in this article it's possible that it won't work "out of the box". So, read the text carefully - I'll try to note all possible reasons of future problems and the modifications necessary to fix them. My code is written for svn.450 revision, which is the newest one at the moment (so without modification it won't work in distribution).
As a rule, the only reason we write drivers for is hardware interface. A real driver includes a huge mass of hardware-dependent code which has almost nothing to deal with the subject of this article - basic principles of KolibriOS kernel driver subsystem. The process of driver development is shown on the following example: we'll write a driver which catches and writes down all queries applications send to the filesystem, and a control application which receives data from the driver and displays them. FASM is used as the main development tool.
The Driver
KolibriOS kernel sources include a basic driver skeleton - sceletone.asm (it is placed in kernel/drivers in KolibriOS kernel sources distribution or in svn://kolibrios.org/kernel/trunk/drivers on KolibriOS SVN repository). Let's have a look at it (it is svn.450 version):
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;driver sceletone
format MS COFF
include 'proc32.inc'
include 'imports.inc'
First of all (after several usual comments) we should tell the compiler which binary file format to use. Drivers must be compiled in COFF object file format (“MS” in the middle means that the driver uses a special extended version of COFF created by Microsoft. It allows to use “writeable” attributes for sections).
Then the driver plugs in additional files. proc32.inc includes macros for standard procedure definitions and calls (proc/endp, stdcall/ccall/invoke/cinvoke, local for local variables declaration), it is placed in the same folder as sceletone.asm. This file is optional, it's up to you to use it or not; in this article proc32.inc is used in order to make the code simlplier (generally, macros can be a bad idea if you need maximal efficiency, but it's not this article's subject).
imports.inc includes definitions for all exported kernel functions. Have a look at it, there's nothing special there, only a mess of trivial constructions. Actually (as it takes place when loading the driver) the list of all exported functions and data is placed in core/exports.inc (kernel_export label), so if you export something feel free to change this file. But don't forget to submit your changes to imports.inc to take care of others.
Be careful! A compatibility issue can occur here. If your driver uses a function which isn't declared in current kernel it will refuse to load the driver and write “unresolved” and the function name on the debug board.
Well, let's go forward.
OS_BASE equ 0x80000000
new_app_base equ 0x00000000
PROC_BASE equ OS_BASE+0x0080000
OS_BASE means the kernel loading address. For the “old” kernel (for example, version it is 0, for “flat kernel” (current kernel) it is 0x80000000.
The new_app_base constant means the linear address where the applications are loaded: all applications are loaded into the same address, but intersection doesn't occur because every process has its own page table and every application is sure that it's loaded into address 0. In ring 3 CS/DS/ES/SS selectors have new_app_base base, and in ring 0 (kernel and drivers) - base 0. So, to convert an application address into a kernel pointer it's necessary to add new_app_base to it (believe me if you don't understand it). new_app_base can cause an incompatibility issue: in this constant is 0x60400000, in svn.450 - 0x80000000, and in “flat” kernel (current kernel) it is 0 (it is called “flat” because it uses a flat memory model). How can we get real values of OS_BASE and new_app_base for particular kernel? It's elementary - they're declared in const.inc (from kernel sources), so it's enough to find them there. And the KolibriOS memory map is placed in memmap.inc file from the kernel sources distribution.
The third constant (PROC_BASE) means nothing in our case, it isn't used at all.
struc IOCTL
{ .handle dd ?
.io_code dd ?
.input dd ?
.inp_size dd ?
.output dd ?
.out_size dd ?
virtual at 0
end virtual
It's simply a structure definition (speculations with VIRTUAL are common for FASM).
public START
public service_proc
public version
We've already imported necessary functions from kernel (imports.inc). And now we let the kernel know about the driver. Let's start from the end. The version variable which is declared in the following text is not actually the driver version. It is the version of the interface this driver works with. In particular, two version codes are encoded in one DWORD. The lower WORD makes no sense in current kernel version, but you should put there the version number of the interface which is “native” for the driver. The upper WORD means minimal version the driver requires to work with. It must be in the interval between DRV_COMPAT and DRV_CURRENT constants which are defined in core/dll.inc file in kernel sources distribution. In both of them are 3. But unil svn.450 the interface has been changed and the constants have been made equal to 4. What is this stuff necessary for? It's made to solve the following problem. All changes in driver subsystem can be divided into several groups: 1) full or partial modification of basic principles; 2) deletion of one or more exported kernel functions; 3) function interface modification (parameters in stack/register, additional arguments, arguments order, etc); 4) new functions. As a rule, in the situations 1-3 you'll have to change your drivers by hand. But it's not a very good thing to recompile all drivers after adding a new kernel function though they don't need it. So the kernel supports loading “not very old” drivers.
version dd 0x00030003
The driver skeleton is made for version 3, so it won't work with current kernel. It hasn't been updated since (besides the copyright), so new_app_base and version are old. By the way, keep in mind that the upper WORD consists of the first 3 bytes of DWORD, and the lower one consists of the second 3 bytes because bytes in WORD and words in DWORD are placed in reverse order (of course, I'm sure you know it, but just in case...)
The START procedure is called by the system when loading the driver and when closing it. In the first situation it initializes the driver, in the second - finishes its work. You don't need to export the service_proc procedure - there are other methods to let the kernel know about it. We'll talk about it later. And finally, the last portion of constants in sceletone.asm:
DEBUG equ 1
DRV_EXIT equ -1
STRIDE equ 4 ;size of row in devices table
The first of them turns on debug output in the blocks if DEBUG/end if. DRV_ENTRY and DRV_EXIT define possible values of the START procedure argument. The last constant is necessary for beauty. Now we see the first executable code. The line
section '.flat' code readable align 16
means the very thing which is written. Then come more interesting things.
proc START stdcall, state:dword
cmp [state], 1
jne .exit
mov esi, msgInit
call SysMsgBoardStr
end if
stdcall RegService, my_service, service_proc
xor eax, eax
This is the code of the procedure of initialization/finalization. When loading the driver it is called with argument DRV_ENTRY = 1 and it must return a non-zero value if there are no problems. When halting the system START is called with argument DRV_EXIT = -1. In particular case or driver doesn't work with any hardware, so there's no hardware initialization or finalization code. The procedure includes only minimally required actions necessary to complete the driver loading. It is registration. The RegisterService function is exported by kernel. It accepts two arguments: driver name (up to 16 symbols including the terminating zero) and the pointer to the procedure handling the I/O. RegisterService returns 0 when registration is failed or a non-zero registered handler if everything is well.
By the way, you may ask how to learn what a particular kernel function does. For example, we need to allocate several pages of kernel memory. To get the reference we open core/exports.inc in kernel sources, look through exported names (they're quite human-readable) and notice szKernelAlloc. We page down until kernel_export label and look for szKernelAlloc - it is assigned to a procedure kernel_alloc. Now look for the implementation of this procedure - it is placed in core/heap.inc. There are no comments, but there's a definition which makes clear that this function accepts one argument called size of DWORD type. It's clear that kernel_alloc allocates as much kernel memory as the single argument tells to. And the very first lines of its code show that the size of allocated memory is aligned up to 4096 (i. e. the size of a page), so it's clear that it allocates an integer number of pages, and size is given in bytes. After such a lyric digression let's leturn to our driver.
After the described code of startup procedure these lines follow. It's service_proc procedure - the queries handler.
handle equ IOCTL.handle
io_code equ IOCTL.io_code
input equ IOCTL.input
inp_size equ IOCTL.inp_size
output equ IOCTL.output
out_size equ IOCTL.out_size
align 4
proc service_proc stdcall, ioctl:dword
; mov edi, [ioctl]
; mov eax, [edi+io_code]
xor eax, eax
restore handle
restore io_code
restore input
restore inp_size
restore output
restore out_size
service_proc is called when somebody tries to communicate with the driver. It can be another driver (a driver can call itself through the I/O mechanism, but it's unnecessary) which has got the handler somewhere and called ServiceHandler, it can be even Its Majesty the Kernel (srv_handler, srv_handlerEx from core/dll.inc), or, finally, an application using function 68.17 (it can get the handler when loading the driver with 68.16). A zero return value means success, a non-zero value - an error.
First of all we define shortened names for the members of structure which describes the query. In the handle field the driver handler is placed, io_code - the DWORD-typed query identifier, the other fields should be clear. The returned value is passed to the code which has called the driver (another driver/the kernel/an application). Finally the program restores the values which have been resigned to shortened names of structure's fields. In the particular case it is useless, but in more complex drivers such common name as “input” may be used many times.
The next portion of code in sceletone.asm looks for the specified hardware on the PCI bus. We don't need it, so we shan't describe it here. You'll certainly get dealt with it if you like.
Now we can start writing our own driver. The beginning is trivial.
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;FileMon: driver part
format MS COFF
include 'proc32.inc'
include 'imports.inc'
Write for svn.450 (for you should write new_app_base equ 0x60400000):
OS_BASE equ 0;
new_app_base equ 0x80000000
Several definitions:
struc IOCTL
{ .handle dd ?
.io_code dd ?
.input dd ?
.inp_size dd ?
.output dd ?
.out_size dd ?
virtual at 0
end virtual
public START
public version
DRV_EXIT equ -1
section '.flat' code readable align 16
There's nothing special in this code. But now we're starting to implement the functions our driver carries. Wait a little! Before putting fingers on keyboard let's think what we want our driver to do.
Our driver will accept 4 codes of I/O query. Let's describe each of them.
Code 0 is always used to get the driver version (now it is the version of the driver, but not of the driver interface). The handler of this request is not required because the kernel is not interested in driver version at all; but a driver always can be updated, and any code which works with our driver may need its version number. It can be returned in any format, in our example we'll return only a DWORD value equal to 1.
Code 1 means “start logging”, code 2 - “return the log till current moment and reset it”, code 3 - “stop logging”. The log will be stored in an internal 16K-sized buffer (we'll call the driver once a second, so it should be enough. If an overflow occurs we'll note it but extra log records will be rejected). The returned log information will have the following format: the entire size of recorded log data; a byte equal to 0 or 1, 1 means that some records haven't fit into the buffer; and, finally, the log data - an array of dynamically sized structures. The first byte of every structure contains the number of called kernel function, it will determine the latter contents of the structure.
The START procedure in our example is trivial because we don't need to initalize anything in it:
proc START stdcall, state:dword
cmp [state], 1
jne .exit
mov esi, msgInit
call SysMsgBoardStr
end if
stdcall RegService, my_service, service_proc
xor eax, eax
Query handlers:
handle equ IOCTL.handle
io_code equ IOCTL.io_code
input equ IOCTL.input
inp_size equ IOCTL.inp_size
output equ IOCTL.output
out_size equ IOCTL.out_size
proc service_proc stdcall, ioctl:dword
mov edi, [ioctl]
mov eax, [edi+io_code]
test eax, eax
jz .getversion
dec eax
jz .startlog
dec eax
jz .getlog
dec eax
jz .endlog
xor eax, eax
cmp [edi+out_size], 4
jb .err
mov edi, [edi+output]
mov dword [edi], 1 ; version of driver
xor eax, eax
or eax, -1
mov al, 1
xchg al, [bLogStarted]
test al, al
jnz .ok
mov [logptr], logbuf
call hook
jnc .ok
mov [bLogStarted], 0
jmp .err
mov esi, logbuf
mov ecx, [logptr]
sub ecx, esi
add ecx, 5
cmp ecx, [edi+out_size]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [edi+out_size]
mov [bOverflow], 1
sub ecx, 5
xor eax, eax
xchg al, [bOverflow]
mov edi, [edi+output]
mov [edi], ecx
add edi, 4
rep movsb
mov [logptr], logbuf
xor eax, eax
xchg al, [bLogStarted]
test al, al
jz @f
call unhook
xor eax, eax
restore handle
restore io_code
restore input
restore inp_size
restore output
restore out_size
Our driver doesn't require any input data, so we don't use the fields input/inp_size. In out_size field the calling code must place the size of the output buffer. If the driver is called by an application the address translations are performed by the kernel. So ioctl contains correct pointers.
We've done everything necessary for communicating with the driver subsystem, and now we can feel free to write something more interesting. We catch the filesystem kernel fuctions 6, 32, 33, 58, 70. The system call handler - int 0x40 - calls a concrete kernel function through servetable (the code of the system call handler can be found in core/syscall.inc). We can make 0x40 to call our code instead of system functions by replacing several items of this table with addresses of our handlers. The address of servetable can be got by scanning the code of int 0x40 function. Its address can be easily got from IDT, and the call command currently looks like call dword[servetable+edi*4], or in machine code - FF 14 BD <servetable> (of course nobody can guarantee that it will always stay like this, for example, edi can be potentially changed to eax).
sub esp, 6
sidt [esp]
pop ax ; limit
pop eax ; base
mov edx, [eax+40h*8+4]
mov dx, [eax+40h*8]
; edx contains address of i40
mov ecx, 100
cmp byte [edx], 0xFF
jnz .cont
cmp byte [edx+1], 0x14
jnz .cont
cmp byte [edx+2], 0xBD
jz .found
inc edx
loop .find
mov esi, msg_failed
call SysMsgBoardStr
mov eax, [edx+3]
; eax contains address of servetable
mov [servetable_ptr], eax
mov edx, newfn06
xchg [eax+6*4], edx
mov [oldfn06], edx
mov edx, newfn32
xchg [eax+32*4], edx
mov [oldfn32], edx
mov edx, newfn33
xchg [eax+33*4], edx
mov [oldfn33], edx
mov edx, newfn58
xchg [eax+58*4], edx
mov [oldfn58], edx
mov edx, newfn70
xchg [eax+70*4], edx
mov [oldfn70], edx
mov eax, [servetable_ptr]
mov edx, [oldfn06]
mov [eax+6*4], edx
mov edx, [oldfn32]
mov [eax+32*4], edx
mov edx, [oldfn33]
mov [eax+33*4], edx
mov edx, [oldfn58]
mov [eax+58*4], edx
mov edx, [oldfn70]
mov [eax+70*4], edx
Two additional functions:
; in: al=byte
push ecx
mov ecx, [logptr]
inc ecx
cmp ecx, logbuf + logbufsize
ja @f
mov [logptr], ecx
mov [ecx-1], al
pop ecx
mov [bOverflow], 1
pop ecx
; in: eax=dword
push ecx
mov ecx, [logptr]
add ecx, 4
cmp ecx, logbuf + logbufsize
ja @f
mov [logptr], ecx
mov [ecx-4], eax
pop ecx
mov [bOverflow], 1
pop ecx
Writing the handlers be aware that the registers are moved in a cycle in comparison with the case of calling 0x40 from an application and all pointers belong to the 3rd ring.
push [logptr]
push eax
mov al, 6 ; function 6
call write_log_byte
mov eax, ebx ; start block
call write_log_dword
mov eax, ecx ; number of blocks
call write_log_dword
mov eax, edx ; output buffer
call write_log_dword
pop eax
push eax
push esi
lea esi, [eax+new_app_base] ; pointer to file name
call write_log_byte
test al, al
jnz @b
pop esi
pop eax
cmp [bOverflow], 0
jz .nooverflow
pop [logptr]
jmp @f
add esp, 4
jmp [oldfn06]
push [logptr]
push eax
mov al, 32 ; function 32
call write_log_byte
pop eax
push eax
push esi
lea esi, [eax+new_app_base] ; pointer to file name
call write_log_byte
test al, al
jnz @b
pop esi
pop eax
cmp [bOverflow], 0
jz .nooverflow
pop [logptr]
jmp @f
add esp, 4
jmp [oldfn32]
push [logptr]
push eax
mov al, 33 ; function 33
call write_log_byte
mov eax, ebx ; input buffer
call write_log_dword
mov eax, ecx ; number of bytes
call write_log_dword
pop eax
push eax
push esi
lea esi, [eax+new_app_base] ; pointer to file name
call write_log_byte
test al, al
jnz @b
pop esi
pop eax
cmp [bOverflow], 0
jz .nooverflow
pop [logptr]
jmp @f
add esp, 4
jmp [oldfn33]
push [logptr]
push eax
push ebx
lea ebx, [eax+new_app_base]
mov al, 58 ; function 58
call write_log_byte
; dump information structure
mov eax, [ebx]
call write_log_dword
mov eax, [ebx+4]
call write_log_dword
mov eax, [ebx+8]
call write_log_dword
mov eax, [ebx+12]
call write_log_dword
push esi
lea esi, [ebx+20] ; pointer to file name
call write_log_byte
test al, al
jnz @b
pop esi
pop ebx
pop eax
cmp [bOverflow], 0
jz .nooverflow
pop [logptr]
jmp @f
add esp, 4
jmp [oldfn58]
push [logptr]
push eax
push ebx
lea ebx, [eax+new_app_base]
mov al, 70 ; function 70
call write_log_byte
; dump information structure
mov eax, [ebx]
call write_log_dword
mov eax, [ebx+4]
call write_log_dword
mov eax, [ebx+8]
call write_log_dword
mov eax, [ebx+12]
call write_log_dword
mov eax, [ebx+16]
call write_log_dword
push esi
lea esi, [ebx+20] ; pointer to file name
test al, al
jnz @f
lea esi, [eax+new_app_base+1]
dec esi
call write_log_byte
test al, al
jnz @b
pop esi
pop ebx
pop eax
cmp [bOverflow], 0
jz .nooverflow
pop [logptr]
jmp @f
add esp, 4
jmp [oldfn70]
That's all with the code. Now we supply the data:
version dd 0x00040004
my_service db 'fmondrv',0
msg_failed db 'Cannot hook required functions',13,10,0
section '.data' data readable writable align 16
servetable_ptr dd ?
oldfn06 dd ?
oldfn32 dd ?
oldfn33 dd ?
oldfn58 dd ?
oldfn70 dd ?
logptr dd ?
logbufsize = 16*1024
logbuf rb logbufsize
bOverflow db ?
bLogStarted db ?
The entire code of the driver is placed in fmondrv.asm which is supplied with this article. Then we compile it with
fasm fmondrv.asm
Then we can package it with kpack and decrease its size from 1850 to 750 bytes. The kernel loads kpacked files perfectly. By the way, in +4 shift a timestamp of compilation is placed in the object file. The kernel isn't interested in it, so you can fill it with zeros and save a byte of storage. To install the driver copy it to /rd/1/drivers - now it's ready for loading.
The operating application
The operating program will write text data to console and finish working on Esc. It will require the console library version 3 or newer, is supplied with version 2, so you'll have to download the last version: http://diamondz.land.ru/console.7z. We use testcon.asm as a template (testcon2.asm is suitable, too) with the following changes: in REQ_DLL_VER we put 3 and in the import table (the myimport label) delete con_write_asciiz and add con_printf, con_kbhit, con_getch2 and, of course, write our code after “Now do some work” comment.
db 'MENUET01'
dd 1
dd start
dd i_end
dd mem
dd mem
dd 0
dd 0
; First 3 steps are intended to load/init console DLL
; and are identical for all console programs
; load DLL
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 19
mov ecx, dll_name
int 0x40
test eax, eax
jz exit
; initialize import
mov edx, eax
mov esi, myimport
test eax, eax
jz import_done
push edx
mov ebx, [edx]
test ebx, ebx
jz exit;import_not_found
push eax
mov cl, [eax]
cmp cl, [ebx]
jnz import_find_next
test cl, cl
jz import_found
inc eax
inc ebx
jmp @b
pop eax
add edx, 8
jmp import_find
pop eax
mov eax, [edx+4]
mov [esi-4], eax
pop edx
jmp import_loop
; check version
cmp word [dll_ver], REQ_DLL_VER
jb exit
cmp word [dll_ver+2], REQ_DLL_VER
ja exit
call [dll_start]
; yes! Now do some work (say helloworld in this case).
push caption
push -1
push -1
push -1
push -1
call [con_init]
Loading the driver. In case of an error write it on the console and exit.
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 16
mov ecx, drivername
int 0x40
mov [hDriver], eax
test eax, eax
jnz @f
push aCantLoadDriver
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4
push 0
call [con_exit]
jmp exit
Check the driver version number by sending it query with code 0.
and [ioctl_code], 0
and [inp_size], 0
mov [outp_size], 4
mov [output], driver_ver
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 17
mov ecx, ioctl
int 0x40
test eax, eax
jnz loaderr
cmp [driver_ver], 1
jnz loaderr
Starting logging:
mov [ioctl_code], 1
and [inp_size], 0
and [outp_size], 0
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 17
mov ecx, ioctl
int 0x40
test eax, eax
jnz loaderr
The driver has been loaded and is logging now. Let's tell the user about it:
push str0
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4
Now we enter the main cycle. Once a second the program checks if there are any events. Generally, the driver can wake up the application stream itself when a filesystem event occurs, but filesystem function calls can occur very often and it's hardly useful to wake up the application for each of them. The processing of data is a long, but quite easy process (the arguments for different sysfunctions differ from each other, so we need to process every case).
mov eax, 5
mov ebx, 100
int 0x40
mov [ioctl_code], 2
and [inp_size], 0
mov [outp_size], 1+16*1024
mov [output], logbuf
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 17
mov ecx, ioctl
int 0x40
push eax
mov ecx, dword [logbuf]
mov esi, logbuf+5
test ecx, ecx
jz done
movzx eax, byte [esi]
push eax
push str1
call [con_printf]
add esp, 8
cmp al, 6
jz fn06
cmp al, 32
jz fn32
cmp al, 33
jz fn33
cmp al, 58
jz fn58
sub ecx, 1+4*5 ; size of log data for fn70 (excluding filename)
cmp eax, 10
jae fn70unk
jmp [fn70+eax*4]
push dword [esi+12]
push dword [esi+8]
push dword [esi+4]
push dword [esi]
push eax
push str2
call [con_printf]
add esp, 6*4
add esi, 16
jmp print_name
push dword [esi+12]
push dword [esi+8]
push dword [esi]
push str3
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4*4
add esi, 16
jmp print_name
mov eax, str41
test byte [esi+4], 1
jz @f
mov eax, str42
push dword [esi+12]
push dword [esi+8]
push dword [esi]
push eax
push str4
call [con_printf]
add esp, 5*4
add esi, 16
jmp print_name
push dword [esi+12]
push dword [esi+8]
push str5
call [con_printf]
add esp, 3*4
add esi, 16
jmp print_name
push dword [esi+12]
push dword [esi+8]
push dword [esi+4]
push str6
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4*4
add esi, 16
jmp print_name
push dword [esi]
push str7
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4*2
add esi, 16
jmp print_name
push dword [esi+12]
push str8
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4*2
add esi, 16
jmp print_name
push dword [esi+12]
push str9
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4*2
add esi, 16
jmp print_name
push str10
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4
test al, 1
jz @f
push str10_1
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4
test eax, eax
jz @f
push eax
push str10_2
call [con_printf]
add esp, 8
add esi, 8
jmp print_name
push str11
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4
add esi, 16
jmp print_name
push str12
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4
add esi, 16
jmp print_name
sub ecx, 1+4*4 ; size of log data for fn58 (excluding filename)
test eax, eax
jz fn58read
cmp eax, 1
jz fn58write
cmp eax, 8
jz fn58lba
cmp eax, 15
jz fn58fsinfo
push dword [esi+8]
push dword [esi+4]
push dword [esi]
push eax
push str13
call [con_printf]
add esp, 5*4
add esi, 12
jmp print_name
push dword [esi+8]
mov eax, [esi+4]
shl eax, 9
push eax
mov eax, [esi]
shl eax, 9
push eax
push str3
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4*4
add esi, 12
jmp print_name
push dword [esi+8]
push dword [esi+4]
push str5
call [con_printf]
add esp, 3*4
add esi, 12
jmp print_name
push dword [esi+8]
push dword [esi]
push str14
call [con_printf]
add esp, 3*4
add esi, 12
jmp print_name
push str15
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4
add esi, 12
jmp print_name
sub ecx, 1+2*4 ; size of log data for fn33
push eax
push eax
push str5
call [con_printf]
add esp, 3*4
push aRamdisk
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4
jmp print_name
dec ecx ; only filename is logged
push str11
call [con_printf]
push aRamdisk
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4+4
jmp print_name
sub ecx, 1+3*4 ; size of log data for fn06
push dword [esi+8]
mov eax, [esi+4]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
inc eax
shl eax, 9
push eax
test eax, eax
jnz @f
inc eax
dec eax
shl eax, 9
push eax
push str3
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4*4
push aRamdisk
call [con_printf]
add esp, 4
add esi, 8
push esi
push str_final
call [con_printf]
add esp, 8
test al, al
jnz @b
jmp message
cmp byte [logbuf+4], 0
jz @f
push str_skipped
call [con_printf]
; we has output all driver data, now check console (did user press Esc?)
call [con_kbhit]
test al, al
jz mainloop
call [con_getch2]
cmp al, 27
jnz mainloop
Tell the driver to stop logging on pressing Esc.
mov [ioctl_code], 3
and [inp_size], 0
and [outp_size], 0
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 17
mov ecx, ioctl
int 0x40
Close console:
push 1
call [con_exit]
And finish the program:
or eax, -1
int 0x40
The program data:
dll_name db '/rd/1/console.obj',0
caption db 'FileMon',0
drivername db 'fmondrv',0
aCantLoadDriver db "Can't load driver",13,10,0
str0 db 'Monitoring file system calls... Press Esc to exit',10,0
str1 db 'Fn%2d: ',0
str2 db 'unknown subfunction %d, parameters: 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, name ',0
str3 db 'read file, starting from 0x%X, %d bytes, to 0x%X; name ',0
str4 db 'read folder (%s version), starting from %d, %d blocks, to 0x%X; name ',0
str41 db 'ANSI',0
str42 db 'UNICODE',0
str5 db 'create/rewrite file, %d bytes from 0x%X; name ',0
str6 db 'write file, starting from 0x%X, %d bytes, from 0x%X; name ',0
str7 db 'set file size to %d bytes; name ',0
str8 db 'get file attributes to 0x%X; name ',0
str9 db 'set file attributes from 0x%X; name ',0
str10 db 'execute ',0
str10_1 db '(in debug mode) ',0
str10_2 db '(with parameters 0x%X) ',0
str11 db 'delete ',0
str12 db 'create folder ',0
str13 db 'unknown subfunction %d, parameters: 0x%X, 0x%X, 0x%X, name ',0
str14 db 'LBA read sector 0x%X to 0x%X from device ',0
str15 db '(obsolete!) query fs information of ',0
aRamdisk db '/rd/1/',0
str_final db '%s',10,0
str_skipped db '[Some information skipped]',10,0
align 4
label fn70 dword
dd fn70readfile
dd fn70readfolder
dd fn70create
dd fn70write
dd fn70setsize
dd fn70getattr
dd fn70setattr
dd fn70execute
dd fn70delete
dd fn70createfolder
align 4
dll_start dd aStart
dll_ver dd aVersion
con_init dd aConInit
con_printf dd aConPrintf
con_exit dd aConExit
con_kbhit dd aConKbhit
con_getch2 dd aConGetch2
dd 0
aStart db 'START',0
aVersion db 'version',0
aConInit db 'con_init',0
aConPrintf db 'con_printf',0
aConExit db 'con_exit',0
aConKbhit db 'con_kbhit',0
aConGetch2 db 'con_getch2',0
align 4
hDriver dd ?
ioctl_code dd ?
input dd ?
inp_size dd ?
output dd ?
outp_size dd ?
driver_ver dd ?
logbuf rb 16*1024+5
align 4
rb 2048 ; stack
If your writing a driver that works with actual hardware, it's likely that you'll want to use interrupts at one point. To use interrupts, the kernel exports the function AttachIntHandler.
stdcall AttachIntHandler, int_number, int_handler_proc, dword 0
The int handler itself is expected to report whether the interrupt was for the expected device or not.
(This can likely be verified by checking your hardware's status register)
If the interrupt was handled by the driver, return 1 in eax, otherwise return 0.
Registers ebx, esi, edi and ebp should be preserved. At the end, a simple ret must be used (no iret)