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C-- SDK.

Версия: 0

Название функции Имя файла Имя внутренней функции
Заголовок исполняемого файла kolibri.h -
Function 0 - define and draw the window window.h-- void DefineAndDrawWindow(dword posX,posY,sizeX,sizeY, byte mainAreaType, dword mainAreaColour, byte headerType, dword headerColour,EDI)
Function 1 - put pixel in the window
Function 2 - get the code of the pressed key keyboard.h-- word GetKeyCode()
Function 3 - get system time
Function 4 - draw text string in the window window.h-- void WriteText(dword x,y,byte fontType, dword color, EDX, ESI)
Function 5 - delay system.h-- void pause(dword EBX)
Function 6 - read the file from ramdisk
Function 7 - draw image in the window
Function 8 - define/delete the button button.h-- void DefineButton(dword x,y,w,h,EDX,ESI)
void DeleteButton(dword EDX)
Function 9 - information on execution thread process.h-- void GetProcessInfo(dword EBX, ECX)
Function 10 - wait for event event.h-- dword WaitEvent()
Function 11 - check for event, no wait event.h-- dword WaitEventNoWait()
Function 12, subfunction 1 - begin window redraw window.h-- void WindowRedrawStatus(dword EBX)
Function 12, subfunction 2 - end window redraw window.h-- void WindowRedrawStatus(dword EBX)
Function 13 - draw a rectangle in the window window.h-- void DrawBar(dword x,y,w,h,EDX)
Function 14 - get screen size
Function 15, subfunction 1 - set a size of the background image
Function 15, subfunction 2 - put pixel on the background image
Function 15, subfunction 3 - redraw background
Function 15, subfunction 4 - set drawing mode for the background
Function 15, subfunction 5 - Put block of pixels on the background image
Function 15, subfunction 6 - Map background data to the address space of process
Function 15, subfunction 7 - close mapped background data
Function 15, subfunction 8 - Get coordinates of last draw the background
Function 15, subfunction 9 - Redraws a rectangular part of the background
Function 16 - save ramdisk on a floppy
Function 17 - get the identifier of the pressed button button.h-- word GetButtonID()
Function 18, subfunction 1 - Make deactive the window of the given thread
Function 18, subfunction 2 - terminate process/thread by the slot
Function 18, subfunction 3 - Make active the window of the given thread
Function 18, subfunction 4 - Get counter of idle time units per one second
Function 18, subfunction 5 - get CPU clock rate
Function 18, subfunction 6 - save ramdisk to the file on hard drive
Function 18, subfunction 7 - get active window
Function 18, subfunction 8, subsubfunction 1 - get status
Function 18, subfunction 8, subsubfunction 2 - toggle status
Function 18, subfunction 9 - system shutdown with the parameter
Function 18, subfunction 10 - minimize application window
Function 18, subfunction 11 - get information on the disk subsystem
Function 18, subfunction 13 - get kernel version
Function 18, subfunction 14 - wait for screen retrace
Function 18, subfunction 15 - center mouse cursor on the screen
Function 18, subfunction 16 - get size of free RAM
Function 18, subfunction 17 - get full amount of RAM
Function 18, subfunction 18 - Terminate process/thread by the identifier
Function 18, subfunction 19, subsubfunction 0 - get mouse speed
Function 18, subfunction 19, subsubfunction 1 - set mouse speed
Function 18, subfunction 19, subsubfunction 2 - get mouse delay
Function 18, subfunction 19, subsubfunction 3 - set mouse delay
Function 18, subfunction 19, subsubfunction 4 - set mouse pointer position
Function 18, subfunction 19, subsubfunction 5 - simulate state of mouse buttons
Function 18, subfunction 20 - get information on RAM
Function 18, subfunction 21 - Get slot number of process/thread by the identifier
Function 18, subfunction 22 - Operations with window of another thread
Function 18, subfunction 23 - minimize all windows
Function 18, subfunction 24 - set limits of screen
Function 20, subfunction 1 - reset - MIDI interface
Function 20, subfunction 2 - output byte
Function 21, subfunction 1 - set MPU MIDI base port
Function 21, subfunction 2 - set keyboard layout
Function 21, subfunction 3 - set CD base
Function 21, subfunction 5 - set system language
Function 21, subfunction 7 - set HD base
Function 21, subfunction 8 - set used HD partition
Function 21, subfunction 11 - enable/disable low-level access to HD
Function 21, subfunction 12 - enable/disable low-level access to PCI
Function 21, subfunction 13, subsubfunction 1 - Initialize + get information on the driver vmode.mdr
Function 21, subfunction 13, subsubfunction 2 - Get information on current videomode
Function 21, subfunction 13, subsubfunction 3 - set videomode
Function 21, subfunction 13, subsubfunction 4 - Return to the initial videomode
Function 21, subfunction 13, subsubfunction 5 - Increase/decrease the size of the visible area of monitor
Function 22 - set system date/time
Function 23 - wait for event with timeout event.h-- dword WaitEventTimeout(dword EBX)
Function 24, subfunction 1 - begin to play CD-audio
Function 24, subfunction 2 - get information on tracks
Function 24, subfunction 3 - stop play CD-audio
Function 24, subfunction 4 - eject tray of disk drive
Function 24, subfunction 5 - load tray of disk drive
Function 25 - put image area on the background layer
Function 26, subfunction 1 - get MPU MIDI base port
Function 26, subfunction 2 - get keyboard layout
Function 26, subfunction 3 - get CD base
Function 26, subfunction 5 - get system language
Function 26, subfunction 7 - get HD base
Function 26, subfunction 8 - get used HD partition
Function 26, subfunction 9 - get the value of the time counter
Function 26, subfunction 11 - Find out whether low-level HD access is enabled
Function 26, subfunction 12 - Find out whether low-level PCI access is enabled
Function 29 - get system date
Function 30, subfunction 1 - set current folder for the thread
Function 30, subfunction 2 - get current folder for the thread
Function 34 - who owner the pixel on the screen
Function 35 - read the color of a pixel on the screen
Function 36 - read screen area
Function 37, subfunction 0 - screen coordinates of the mouse
Function 37, subfunction 2 - pressed buttons of the mouse
Function 37, subfunction 4 - load cursor
Function 37, subfunction 5 - set cursor
Function 37, subfunction 6 - delete cursor
Function 37, subfunction 7 - get scroll data
Function 38 - draw line
Function 39, subfunction 1 - get a size of the background image
Function 39, subfunction 2 - get pixel from the background image
Function 39, subfunction 4 - get drawing mode for the background
Function 40 - set the mask for expected events event.h-- void SetEventMask(dword EBX)
Function 43 - input/output to a port
Function 46 - reserve/free a group of input/output ports
Function 47 - draw a number in the window window.h-- void WriteNumber(dword x,y,byte fontType, ESI, ECX)
Function 48, subfunction 0 - apply screen settings
Function 48, subfunction 1 - set button style
Function 48, subfunction 2 - set standard window colors
Function 48, subfunction 3 - get standard window colors system.h-- void system_colors::get()
Function 48, subfunction 4 - get skin height window.h-- dword GetSkinWidth()
Function 48, subfunction 5 - get screen working area
Function 48, subfunction 6 - set screen working area
Function 48, subfunction 7 - get skin margins
Function 48, subfunction 8 - set used skin
Function 49 - Advanced Power Management (APM)
Function 50, subfunction 0 - Set shape data
Function 50, subfunction 0 - Set shape scale
Function 51 - create thread thread.h-- dword CreateThread(dword ECX,EDX)
Function 52, subfunction 0 - get network driver configuration
Function 52, subfunction 1 - get local IP-address
Function 52, subfunction 2 - set network driver configuration
Function 52, subfunction 3 - set local IP-address
Function 52, subfunction 6 - add data to the stack of input queue
Function 52, subfunction 8 - read data from the network output queue
Function 52, subfunction 9 - get gateway IP
Function 52, subfunction 10 - get subnet mask
Function 52, subfunction 11 - set gateway IP
Function 52, subfunction 12 - set subnet mask
Function 52, subfunction 13 - get DNS IP
Function 52, subfunction 14 - set DNS IP
Function 52, subfunction 15 - get local MAC address
Function 53, subfunction 0 - open UDP-socket
Function 53, subfunction 1 - close UDP-socket
Function 53, subfunction 2 - poll socket
Function 53, subfunction 3 - read byte from socket
Function 53, subfunction 4 - write to UDP-socket
Function 53, subfunction 5 - open TCP-socket
Function 53, subfunction 6 - get TCP-socket status
Function 53, subfunction 7 - write to TCP-socket
Function 53, subfunction 8 - close TCP-socket
Function 53, subfunction 9 - check whether local port is free
Function 53, subfunction 10 - query Ethernet cable status
Function 53, subfunction 11 - read network stack data
Function 53, subfunction 255 - debug information of network driver
Function 55, subfunction 55 - begin to play data on built-in speaker
Function 57 - PCI BIOS
Function 58, subfunction 0 - read file/folder
Function 58, subfunction 8 - LBA-read from device
Function 58, subfunction 15 - get information on file system
Function 60, subfunction 1 - set the area for IPC receiving
Function 60, subfunction 2 - send IPC message
Function 61, subfunction 1 - screen resolution
Function 61, subfunction 2 - number of bits per pixel
Function 61, subfunction 3 - number of bytes per scanline
Function 62, subfunction 0 - get version of PCI-interface
Function 62, subfunction 1 - get number of the last PCI-bus
Function 62, subfunction 2 - Get mechanism of addressing to the PCI configuration space
Function 62, subfunctions 4,5,6 - read PCI-register
Function 62, subfunctions 8,9,10 - write to PCI-register
Function 63, subfunction 1 - write byte
Function 63, subfunction 2 - read byte
Function 64 - resize application memory
Function 65 - draw image with palette in the window image.h-- void DrawImage(dword EBX,w,h,x,y, EDI)
Function 66, subfunction 1 - set keyboard input mode
Function 66, subfunction 2 - get keyboard input mode
Function 66, subfunction 3 - get status of control keys
Function 66, subfunction 4 - set system-wide hotkey
Function 66, subfunction 5 - delete installed hotkey
Function 66, subfunction 6 - block the normal input
Function 66, subfunction 7 - unlock the normal input
Function 67 - change position/sizes of the window window.h-- void MoveSize(int EBX,ECX,EDX,ESI)
Function 68, subfunction 0 - get the task switch counter
Function 68, subfunction 1 - switch to the next thread
Function 68, subfunction 2 - cache + rdpmc
Function 68, subfunction 3 - read MSR-register
Function 68, subfunction 4 - write to MSR-register
Function 68, subfunction 11 - initialize process heap
Function 68, subfunction 12 - allocate memory block
Function 68, subfunction 13 - free memory block
Function 68, subfunction 14 - Wait for signal from another program/driver
Function 68, subfunction 16 - load driver
Function 68, subfunction 17 - driver control
Function 68, subfunction 19 - load DLL
Function 68, subfunction 20 - reallocate memory block
Function 68, subfunction 21 - load driver PE
Function 68, subfunction 22 - open named memory area
Function 68, subfunction 23 - close named memory area
Function 68, subfunction 24 - set exception handler
Function 68, subfunction 25 - set FPU exception handler
Function 69, subfunction 0 - define data area fror debug messages
Function 69, subfunction 1 - Get contents of registers of debugged thread
Function 69, subfunction 2 - Set contents of registers of debugged thread
Function 69, subfunction 3 - detach from debugged process
Function 69, subfunction 4 - suspend debugged thread
Function 69, subfunction 5 - resume debugged thread
Fucntion 69, subfunction 6 - read from memory of debugged process
Function 69, subfunction 7 - write to memory of debugged process
Function 69, subfunction 8 - terminate debugged thread
Function 69, subfunction 9 - set/clear hardware breakpoint
Function 70, subfunction 0 - read file with long names support
Function 70, subfunction 1 - read folder with long names support
Function 70, subfunction 2 - Create/rewrite file with long names support
Function 70, subfunction 3 - Write to existing file with long names support
Function 70, subfunction 4 - set end of file
Function 70, subfunction 5 - get information on file/folder
Function 70, subfunction 6 - set attributes of file/folder
Function 70, subfunction 7 - start application
Function 70, subfunction 8 - delete file/folder
Function 70, subfunction 9 - create folder
Function 71, subfunction 1 - set window caption window.h-- void SetTitle(dword ECX)
Function 72 - send message to a window
Function -1 - terminate thread/process process.h-- void ExitProcess()