New stack

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This page describes the development of the new network stack for KolibriOS
Since SVN #3556, the code has been merged in trunk and is now available in the english, russian spanish and italian builds of kolibrios!
You can find the latest source code on svn:// (websvn)
You can download an image file with pre-compiled library, applications, kernel and drivers on the builds page
All bugs may be reported to KolibriOS bug tracker


The old kernel functions 52 and 53 have been removed and the New_network_api has been created.
Internally, the stack has been completely rewritten (mostly from scratch)

  • Working
    • Attaching multiple network drivers/devices to the kernel
    • Sending and receiving Ethernet/IPv4/UDP/ICMP/ARP/TCP packets
    • Queuing of packets when necessary
    • UDP/TCP/RAW(ICMP/IP..) sockets (POSIX compatible)
    • Blocking sockets
    • IPC/local sockets (needs testing)
    • Dedicated network buffers (need to finish NET_alloc, NET_free)
    • IP address assignment for all network interfaces
  • Under construction
    • Link detection for all network drivers (Currently works on RTL8139, RTL8169, forcedeth, mtd80x, i8254x)
    • Improved routing
  • TODO
    • TCP: reassembly queue, testing (timestamps, RTT, PAWS, ...), ...
    • PPP (need help developing/testing)


In net-branch, the network drivers are external drivers, as described in Writing_drivers_for_KolibriOS.

The specifications of the new network drivers can be found in the article Writing_network_drivers_for_KolibriOS.

Currently supported network hardware

Unsupported PCI card? If you have a PCI/PCI-X/PCI-express ethernet card which is not listed above, and would like to acces the internet in KolibriOS, you may send me the card, and I'll send you one back that is already supported.



Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

CLI FTP client.
Uses console.obj

Also see: Using with ftpc


Full fledged FTP daemon. Fully configureable through ini files.
Status: Basic commands work.
uses libini.obj, libio.obj and console.obj, TODO: STOR command, dont use libio, ...


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

New IRC client. Under construction.
uses network.obj, libini.obj and box_lib.obj


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

This program is used to load the network drivers.
You can run it with parameter 'F' to silently load first detected card, or parameter 'A' to load all cards.
No parameters will load the GUI.


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

This program allows you to read the status of ethernet, ipv4, icmp, arp udp and tcp.
TODO: allow user to set ARP settings, and save those to .ini file.


Commandline DNS client.
This program uses network.obj and console.obj


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

A program to ping a remote host using the ICMP protocol
Only fixed packet size for now.
uses network.obj, libini.obj and console.obj


Software KM-switch, (Synergy - client) for windows/unix/.. versions, see
This version is compatible with version 1.3.1
Only mouse events are accepted in the current version.
There is a bug in the loading of libraries which might cause program to crash on loading
uses network.obj, libini.obj and console.obj


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

A simple telnet client
This program uses network.obj and console.obj


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

A TFTP client with a GUI.
uses libio.obj, network.obj and box_lib.obj


This program allows you to control a remote computer. The remote computer must be running a VNC server that support the RFB 3.3 protocol.
The client currently supports RAW, CopyRect, RRE and TRLE encodings.
Authentication to a password protected VNC server is possible through the "VNC Authentication" algorithm.
There is currently no support for encryption.


This program reads settings from network.ini and configures the tcp/ip stack accordingly
You may choose for a manual setup, or dhcp / link-local.
TODO: keep listening for DHCP release packets etc.


Under construction
TODO: Improve front-end, ...


Program that can be used for printing socket variables, usefull for debugging.


PPPoE dialer - unfinished


TCP server demo program, this program can be used with iperf client to measure performance of the stack.



The network library for KolibriOS, written by Clevermouse. Primarily function is DNS.


HTTP client library, can be used to fetch content from the web.
Currently support HTTP/1.1 GET, POST and HEAD methods. HTTP proxy's are also supported (settings in network.ini).

Applications, old vs new

old new remarks
airc ircc IRC client (rewritten from scratch)
arpstat netstat ARP configuration utility (rewritten)
chess / may be ported
dhcp / replaced by zeroconf
dnsr nslookup Name service lookup (DNS resolver)
downloader downloader rewritten
ethstat / N/A
ftps ftpd FTP daemon (server)
https / may be ported, better to rewrite
icq / may be ported
ipc / may be ported
local / may be ported
mp3s / may be ported
netsendc / may be ported
netsends / may be ported
nntpc / may be ported
popc / may be ported (or replaced with liza?)
ppp / N/A (a new utility should be made)
rccc / may be ported
rccs / may be ported
remote / may be ported
smtps / may be ported
stackcfg netstat not possible to manually set ip yet (and may need better name)
telnet telnet rewritten from scratch
terminal / N/A
tftpa / may be ported
tftpc tftpc Trivial File Transer Protocol Client
VNCclient vncc ported
ym / may be ported
zeroconf zeroconf ported

We need your help!

If you think you can help with further development of networking applications, driver or kernel code in any way, please let us know through the forum or IRC channel.