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Revision as of 07:41, 5 June 2010 by SoUrcerer (talk | contribs) (orpho fixes)
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As it was shown (see for example KolibriOS for Manufacturing control), KolibriOS can be successfully used in wide range of data acquisition and process control systems.

A compact open-source kernel, a simple and convenient minimalistic graphics subsystem, fairly developed user interface, very capable low-level system services, most popular network protocols and filesystems support - all this set of features let us possess KolibriOS as a perspective embedded OS.

In the other hand, some serious problems still must be solved to make it a true embedded-OS: [1].

To try some possible solutions of those problems, "Kolibri-A" branch-project is planned to start in July 2010.

NB: the A letter means its code will be tied to AMD/HT architecture; particularly to a well-documented chipset AMD NB780/SB700. Other platforms might not be supported in the nearest future...

Some specific features of Kolibri-A

  • extended PCI service;
  • direct read/write transactions to/from several user-accessible memory-mapped IO regions;
  • a static system buffer (10Мb) for non-standard device testing and user-world DMA-operations;
  • an RT-optimized memory manager;
  • burst-DMA mode (PCI) и "long" PCI-express packets support (also in the userspace!);
  • PCI-express Flow Control minimal support;
  • minimal APIC support;
  • optional ROM-bootloader.